A better way to earn money.

Ride is a Customer Relationship Management system for professional drivers.

Uber Black™️ and Ride Share Reserved keep 20-30% of your fares. We help you curate a regular set of customers, allowing you to keep your hard-earned money.

We help you focus on earning repeat customers.
You focus on driving.

Ride helps keep you organized so you can deliver exceptional service.

Product screenshots
Automatically add travel and buffer time.
Flight updates.
Know when your customer's flights change.
Reoccuring Rides.
Schedule reoccuring rides and errands.

Simple, transparent pricing.

We believe we should get paid only when you get paid. Our pricing is simple and transparent. We charge $2 for every ride booked, capped at $50 per month.

Referral Program

For every driver you refer, you get $1 for each their first 10 engagements per month. If you have a positive balance after your service fees at the end of the month, we transfer the balance to you.

Frequently asked questions

Do you compete with Uber?

No, Uber is a full-featured ride-hailing service. Ride is a customer relationship management platform for drivers that help them run their own independent business. We do not dispatch drivers, only help drivers communicate with their customers.

Do you verify drivers?

No. We are a CRM system, just like Salesforce. Any person can use Salesforce or HubSpot to help coordinate with their customers.

Get notified when we accept more drivers.

We are growing fast, but we want to ensure the highest quality of service to our bosses, you. Sign up to be notified when we are ready to accept more drivers.